Income Cycle - Incomecyclecom - Dependable Services - Excellent Company
Released on: August 16, 2008, 12:13 pm
Press Release Author: Brian Trischetta
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: When considering home business, we should all be careful not to think or speak in ways that are mentally limiting. We all know good and well that there are billions of people in this world. Some are coming online for the first time, some are investigating home business for the first time, and some are looking for a change from whatever programs they\'ve been involved with in the past. This number doesn\'t dwindle or stay the same; it grows exponentially over time, because the population of the world grows exponentially. When the population stops growing, then worry about markets being saturated!
Press Release Body: First off, Mike and Craig aren\'t personally sponsoring members themselves. Their websites that you see in the sponsored links and so on are designed to handle the ad rotator. So each time someone fills in the lead capture form, they\'re taken to a different member\'s EDC site (the members that have bought into the rotator program). If you don\'t believe it, you should check it out yourself. I\'ve tested it several times in order to answer questions for others.
The way I like to look at this business is that I\'m not competing with Dave Dubbs or anyone else. My biggest and worst competition is myself. It\'s up to me to do the work that will bring results. No one else dictates that. So if I slack off, I don\'t earn. That\'s my fault. Sure others have a ton of money to promote on Google Adwords and that helps them a ton. They have their methods, and I have mine. I still get more than enough business for myself. The market for folks looking to become their own bosses is HUGE. There is no possible way that 1, 2, 3 or even 10 people could take up all the business there is.
When considering home business, we should all be careful not to think or speak in ways that are mentally limiting. We all know good and well that there are billions of people in this world. Some are coming online for the first time, some are investigating home business for the first time, and some are looking for a change from whatever programs they\'ve been involved with in the past. This number doesn\'t dwindle or stay the same; it grows exponentially over time, because the population of the world grows exponentially. When the population stops growing, then worry about markets being saturated!
As for EDC, I think it\'s been proven time and again that if you put forth the effort, get creative and brand yourself, you can see success. If you don\'t, then it doesn\'t work. Simple as that, I've been in since May 2008 of this year and still going strong. And as EDC grows and changes, so do my advertising methods and the perks I give to my own customers and team members. It\'s a business in an ever-changing and highly competitive market. You have to be willing to grow, change and compete with it! Incomecycle - Income Cycle - EDC Diamond - EDC Gold - - - Easy Daily Cash Brian Trischetta - 1-518-452-3768
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Contact Details: Brian Trischetta - 1-518-452-3768
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